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Q & A - Does the ATA support a political party?

April 19, 2011 Gordon Thomas
Gordon Thomas Question: Which political party will the Association endorse in the federal general election?

Answer: The Alberta Teachers’ Association does not endorse any political party and remains decidedly nonpartisan. Although not aligned politically, the ATA encourages its members to get active in federal, provincial and local politics by joining a political party, making financial contributions and volunteering.

Election time is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on key issues of concern for teachers and students. Candidates offering themselves for political office must be aware of and understand the professional concerns of teachers. And teachers need to be aware of candidates’ positions on issues and how their party could affect their ability to address teacher concerns in a positive fashion.

To this end, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), which represents teacher organizations across Canada, has published Federal Election: Education, Children and Youth. The document highlights concerns that teacher organizations and their members consider important. Recommendations are provided for tackling child poverty, child care, international cooperation, human exploitation and trafficking, status of women and women’s rights, labour rights, copyright and educational use of the Internet and cyberconduct. Teachers are encouraged to read the CTF document that is available online (

Vote for education—consider educational issues as you cast your vote.

Questions for consideration in this column are welcome. Please address them to Gordon Thomas at Barnett House (

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